lunedì 3 dicembre 2012


 ON 2012.12.12(wed) 22:00-23:45 ( JPN TIME) 
Complete live broadcast of the MIYAVI's studio live broadcasting was decided!

As Samurai Sessions guest, HIFANA, H ZETT M come up, too. And completely broadcast of the studio live in USTREAM!

In "HELLO WORLD which is group of Twitter interlocking movement model number ," tweet of listeners becomes the shout of joy itself of audience of the live meeting place.
Let's attach "#hw813" and "#jwave" and mutter, and share the impression together!
Have a fun of 12th!!

font: "HELLO WORLD"-jwave-site

traslation: COMYV KEIKO 
Mercoledì 12 Dicembre 2012 dalle 22.00 alle 23.45 (orario giapponese) ci sarà un studio live stream di MIYAVI! Come ospite speciale del SAMURAI SESSION ci sarannno anche HIFANA E H ZETT M e l'intero evento sarà trasmesso su ustream!
Utilizzate #hw813 e #jwave per scrivere le  vostre impressioni indiretta!
Non perdetevelo !
we will let you know more info in the next days


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